6 Décembre 2017 - Journée d'étude : Collaborative writing and commentary in digital environments : an e-learning perspective

6 Décembre 2017 - Journée d'étude : Collaborative writing and commentary in digital environments : an e-learning perspective

This study day, held on 7 December 2017, is jointly organised between the University of Duisburg-Essen (E-learning NRW & German Studies) and the Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage (Université Clermont Auvergne). The event is supported by the French Embassy in Berlin and the Université Franco-Allemande (DFH) as part of the event series "Digital Publishing."

The emergence of collaborative writing technologies including wikis, blogs, etherpad and google docs ultimately allows writing to be situated both as a social practice in its elaboration, production, and publication, and as a multimodal communication practice whereby “different modes offer different potentials for meaning making” (Kress, 2010:79). Teachers in higher education as well as L1 and L2 language teaching practitioners are increasingly turning towards these digital environments to develop and use innovative e-learning and blended learning scenarios in teacher training and in the language classroom that combine collaborative writing and concepts of social and collaborative learning with the added values of digital ‘web 2.0’ platforms. The functionalities of these platforms are used for the creation of didactic writing environments which allow for

  • the creation of authentic learning and writing situations (writing for target audiences, writing with peer participation)
  • innovative forms of digital commentary and feedback that go beyond the walls of the classroom and can be offered in a variety of forms (written, spoken, multimodal ; using hyperlinking for connecting text and commentary) by teachers, peers, or an audience
  • documenting, analysing and reflecting on writing processes
  • training the language skills (planning, formulating, monitoring, revising ; orthography and style) which are essential for text writing.

The aim of the round table is to give an overview and discuss innovative learning and tutoring scenarios that incorporate digital writing and digital commentary and exchange expertise developed from studying their instantiation. The round table features seven talks on French and German projects.

Programme :

PDF - 295.7 ko
Collaborative Writing Programme

Target audience : The target audience of the event are researchers, practitioners and students working on or interested in innovative e-learning scenarios which adopt collaborative writing tools.

Click here for registration If any problems occur it is also possible to register via e-mail : david.eckhoff@uni-due.de